Mese: Gennaio 2020

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4m (70MHz) returns to Germany for 2020

4m (70MHz) returns to Germany for 2020 Here it is! As of today (22/1/2020) – use of the 70.150-70.200 MHz part of 4m is allowed…

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New Book from ARRL: Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners

Contesting is one of the most exciting aspects of amateur radio — and for some, it’s their primary ham radio activity. Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners by…

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New Network Vector Analyzer FXNANO 0.5/900 MHz

Display 3.2″ , 100% compatible with all NANOVNA fw. Version redesigned with BNC, switch tact, increased battery and many other functions Antenna SteppIR BigIR…

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Ottimizzazione codice firmware: quali tecniche usare?

Ottimizzare il codice del firmware per il nostro progetto è il punto essenziale per renderlo di livello superiore. Spesso, per colpa di pigrizia e mancata…

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KaeilOS Linux real-time targato Italia

Italia e mondo embedded, una coniugazione che, a prima vista, può sembrare difficile ma che, poi, nella realtà rappresenta una soluzione ottima: con KaeilOS il nostro Paese può certamente…

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International Space Station Contact 22/01/2020

The Space Station never came above the horizon at my location but I still manged to hear part of the conversation today….

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Wideband RF Switch (5 – 3000 MHz)

Photo: Aditya Mukherjee In an application it was required to use 6 different antennas at 6 nearby locations one at a time as the Bluetooth/WiFi antenna…

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Multiple Storms Launch & Martian Ice Mining: Solar Storm Forecast 01-22-2020

VHF Larsen VHF/UHF Mobile Antennas KG2/70CXPL March 01, 2016 No comments  VHF/UHF Mobile Antennas  Antenna, VHF/UHF, Glass Mount, 144-148/442-448 MHz, 100 W, 32.75 in. Max…

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The best way to ground your shack!

Antenna 5 element Long Boom 144MHz LFA-Q Super-Gainer Quad Style Yagi November 14, 2019 No comments Description  A 5 element  Long Boom (2.1m) LFA-Q (Super-rigid…

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Not all Ham Shacks are Created Equal. Some are Priceless!

“Twice SOTA with (2) KX2s and Wire Antennas – Steve (K7PX) and I head up Squaw and Chief mountains for Summits on the Air. Weather…

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The 2020 CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest

CW: 2200Z January 24 to 2200Z January 26 SSB: 2200Z February 21 to 2200Z February 23 DEADLINES FOR LOG SUBMISSIONS ARE 5 DAYS! I. OBJECTIVE:…

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IoT è chi IoT lo fa: il portaspiccioli smart

Negli articoli precedenti abbiamo approfondito cosa significa creare un prototipo, progettandolo fin dalle basi. Ma dopo aver seguito un approccio teorico è giusto provare a declinare…

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The competition will be Two-Transmitter (Multi-Two) operation – WRTC 2022 ITALY

WRTC 2022 is happy to announce in advance one of the most important rules for the WRTC 2022 competition. The style of operating will be…

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ITU Development Sector Publication Highlights Amateur Radio’s Role in Emergency Communication

Amateur radio is featured in the publication, ITU Guidelines for national emergency telecommunication plans, published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Development Sector (ITU-D). The publication notes…

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AMSAT Says its GOLF-TEE Initiative has Met a Major Milestone

AMSAT reports that an array of GOLF-TEE (Greater Orbit Larger Footprint – Technology Evaluation Environment) satellite prototype boards transmitted telemetry for the first time on January 14. “The…

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ARISS Opens Window for ISS Ham Radio Contact Proposals on February 1

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is once again seeking formal and informal education institutions and organizations — individually or working together —…

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ARES Volunteers Establish “Plan B” Communication Network in Puerto Rico

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) volunteers in Puerto Rico continued over the weekend to report for daily duty at an American Red Cross (ARC) distribution…

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LoRa WAN: che cosa sono?

A differenza delle sue cugine, ovvero Wi-Fi e reti cellulari, hanno delle peculiarità differenti che le rendono ottimali per queste reti. Oltre ad ottimizzare in…

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Il mercato dei semiconduttori in Italia: stato attuale e prospettive di crescita

A fronte di una crescita del mercato globale dei semiconduttori, trainato soprattutto da economie emergenti come Cina, Giappone, Taiwan e Korea, e da quelle più…

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UK To Canada Xiegu x5105

Video:YouTube/M0DAD Another great video from M0DAD, this time with a handheld contact from the UK to Canada. That Xiegu X5105 certainly does the business…. 

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13,000 Mile Contact On Xiegu X5105 HANDHELD

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Here we have David, M0OGY, in the North East of England operating handheld on a Xiegu X5105 as he attempts a contact with ZL3OZ…

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Xiegu G90 – Review

G90 is a portable 20W HF amateur radio transceiver with an SDR architecture with built-in auto antenna tuner. The display unit and the radio can…

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GLI ADC SAR controllano il mondo

Gli obiettivi di progetto degli attuali sistemi di controllo industriali prevedono che gli stessi siano più veloci, più precisi e più piccoli, ma consumino meno e siano più…

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Building The QRP-Labs QCX 50W CW HF Amplifier Kit

Review Building The QRP-Labs QCX 50W CW HF Amplifier Kit January 19, 2020 No comments Read more Testing Baofeng Harmonics & Is Ham Radio Interest…

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Barry Shelley, N1VXY, to Become ARRL Interim CEO

At its meeting this weekend, the ARRL Board of Directors did not elect Howard Michel, WB2ITX, as the ARRL Chief Executive Officer. Beginning Monday, January…