Mese: Aprile 2021

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RCC CUP 01/05/2021 DALLE 03,00 ALLE 08,59 UTC (CW/SSB)

Un contest breve per allenarsi prima del nostro ARIDX . E’ un world wide (tutti collegano tutti ), con moltiplicatori ben specificati nel regolamento che…

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Raspberry Pi: quale modello comprare per Retropie

Vuoi dare vita a un tuo sistema di retro-gaming con Raspberry Pi? Ti starai sicuramente chiedendo quale modello è più opportuno comprare per dargli vita…

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MAGNETIC LOOP 40M – 10M Built by 2E0ERO

Here we take a look at the principles of a transmitting magnetic loop and then test a magnetic loop built by 2E0ERO. Antenna New !…

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Recent activity on the 23cm band RNSS Coexistence Studies

The Chair of IARU Region 1 Spectrum Affairs, Barry Lewis G4SJH, reports on the work being done in defending the interests of the Amateur Services in…

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ARRL Awards Colvin Grant to 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition in 2023

ARRL has awarded a Colvin Grant of $5,000 to the Intrepid-DX Group to help in funding its 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island, scheduled for January to February…

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How to Hang Ladder Line

Tim , KJ4ZJ, wants to know if Ladder Line can be hung at an angle without affecting performance. Antenna CrankIR from SteppIR – Portable Ham…

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​ Cari amici contesters e non, eccoci arrivati all’appuntamento con l’Ari International, il contest che una volta tanto ci permette di essere un moltiplicatore ricercato…

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Forums e Social

L’argomento di questa discussione esula da quelli specifici di interesse di questo forum radioamatoriale, è di carattere generale e riguarda i rapporti tra i forums…

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Raspberry Pi vs Arduino: quale è meglio

Raspberry Pi oppure Arduino: quale è meglio dei due? C’è un vincitore fra i due? Questa domanda dura a morire ha una risposta, ma non…

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Amateur Radio Credited with Rescue of Back-Country Hiker in Tennessee

A back-country hiker was rescued from Great Smoky Mountains National Park with assistance from amateur radio after she became exhausted on the trail and possibly…

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Noise Reduction Speakers

Oggie John Reardon, KD0RON, asks about noise reduction speakers. Antenna UHF VHF Antenna 08-ANT-0861 December 27, 2019 No comments UHF VHF antenna 08-ANT-0861 has a…

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Icom AH-705 in the Park with Ray – N9JA, Tommy – N5ZNO, and George – W5JDX.

A closer look at the Icom AH-705. A QRP antenna tuner for the IC-705 Trasnceiver. Tunable 50Ω antenna and long wire antenna designed for field…

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New FCC RF safety rules for ham radio – May 2021

New FCC RF safety rules for ham radio #hamradio​ – May 2021 Antenna 5 element TRI-BANDER – HB35c – Tet Emtron August 03, 2016 No…

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An Old Radio Beacon Compound On The Moors

An Old Radio Beacon Compound On The Moors Antenna Antenna beam 2 elements 80m (Monobander) June 16, 2020 No comments Frequency: (3,500 MHz – 3,830…

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Raspberry Pi e Android: installazione e primi passi

Vorresti usare Android con Raspberry Pi? In questo articolo ho il piacere di guidarti nell’installazione e muovere i tuoi primi passi con il sistema operativo…

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5G e le sfide di progetto delle antenne

La sintonizzazione dell’apertura di un’antenna è essenziale per consentire agli smartphone di operare in modo efficiente su una gamma sempre crescente di bande di frequenze…

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FCC Auto-Registration Feature for Exam Applicants to be Discontinued

Auto-registration in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) amateur radio exam candidates using a Social Security number will be discontinued on May 20, 2021. Applicants must…

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Virtual CubeSat Developers Workshop is April 27 – 29

The theme for the 2021 virtual CubeSat Developers Workshop on April 27 – 29 is “Working Together.” It will feature a mix of pre-recorded and live events….

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Annual Armed Forces Day Cross-Band Test Set for May 7 – 8

The US Department of Defense will host this year’s Armed Forces Day (AFD) Cross-Band Test, Friday and Saturday, May 7 – 8, in recognition of…

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Raspberry Pi: come usarlo con SSH

Hai un Raspberry Pi e ti stai chiedendo come usarlo con il protocollo SSH? In questo articolo avrò il piacere di guidarti in questa modalità…

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A.R.I. International DX Contest 2021

1. The Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (A.R.I.) has the honour of inviting radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the ARI International DX Contest. 2. Aim: It is…

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8-year-old becomes youngest ham radio operator in Montour County

By Justin Strawser DANVILLE — An 8-year-old Cub Scout became the youngest licensed ham radio operator in Montour County, claiming the title away from…

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Arrivederci (forse) a Marzaglia di Settembre 2021

I più accorti di voi già lo sapranno ma è saltata anche l’edizione di Maggio di Marzaglia 2021 ( a torto o ragione). Peccato.

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All’Assemblea dell’Associazione WRTC 2022 del 23 aprile 2021, dopo aver consultato in precedenza il Comitato WRTC, l’assemblea e il Comitato Organizzatore hanno deciso di posticipare…

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Sunspots April 25th, 2021

Active Regions #2818 and #2820