Giorno: 1 Settembre 2021

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Lavorare con gli sketch Arduino da remoto

Uno strumento sicuramente di valido aiuto per tutti i makers e i progettisti elettronici è lo Sketchbook Remoto. Con lo Sketchbook Remoto (Remote Sketchbook) è…

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L’Editoriale di Settembre 2021

I radioamatori per i radioamatoriGabriele Villa, I2VGW Editoriale un po’ sui generis questo del mese di settembre. Perché quando, come ormai sapete, mi imbatto in…

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N1MM+ Updates!

Version 1.0.9252 (August 31, 2021) K4 Radio Control: Increased the command pacing and slowed the radio polling to eliminate a radio configuration error in SO2V…

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Ham Radio Deluxe Software Overview

This is an updated overview video that describes the overall features of the Ham Radio Deluxe Software suite. Ham Radio Deluxe Guides and Manuals “We…

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Use a Crossband Repeater Instead

“Ken, N2DF, is having trouble with his HT because of his metal house. He is unable to connect and communicate. He is wondering if he…